Wednesday, September 17, 2008

1 Step Back, 2 Steps Forward

There was a small 3 bedroom in a cul de sac over on the East Side. It had been on the market for over a year. I was kind of dragging my feet about it just because it didn't quite speak to me when I first saw it. Well I went to look at it on a Friday and talked with my parents and my brother and over the weekend started getting really excited about all I would do to it to fix it up. It had a great yard. Asking 86,900. The only real negative was that there wasn't central air. Well I was prepared to put in an offer on Monday, but my realtor emailed me and informed me that the sellers had accepted an offer that came in late Friday. I couldn't believe it! I checked a couple weeks later and indeed they had closed. I've been sort of kicking myself the past couple of weeks because of it. Just as well, it was pretty tiny, even for a 3 bedroom. I'm getting very close though. I can feel it! I'm going to look at 2 recent listings this Friday. They aren't in the exact location I want to be, but they do look promising. Wish me luck!

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